Location | Jerusalem

Date | 2023

Client | Moroso

Design | Klein Associates KG

This project is dedicated to solid wood lovers. We made four tables for Moroso for the exclusive Mevaseret Zion hotel, we carved them out of an olive ash tree trunk.
We purchased a 3-meter-long trunk with a diameter of 1,5 meters and “sliced” it into four sections. Each section was eventually CNC-worked to obtain the double-curving table that Klein Associates had designed.

The result is a unique piece of furniture: each table has different features typical of solid wood, like grain, cracks, colours, and shades, which was impossible to predict or imagine, let alone design.. Design yielded to nature, the real protagonist of this project. Only as the CNC machine worked and carved the tree sections, we were able to find out what the tables would look like.

Photo credit: Moroso