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Interior Contractor, Furniture supplier, Skilled joinery: what is Devoto Design today?

Interior Contractor: what does this increasingly common professional entity do? Let’s find out through a series of works Devoto Design has delivered in the last few years.


More and more often, when we talk to our national and international partners and clients, we find them baffled but also curious as they find out that besides producing bespoke interior furnishings, Devoto Design can also support them in the management and installation of all the decoration elements that make up the design of interior spaces.

In other words, we can be an Interior Contractor.

Before we go on, though, let’s get this term straight.

From General… to Interior Contractor

On the one hand, the General Contractor deals with construction and renovation works for buildings, and on the other hand, the Interior Contractor handles interior design projects as the SPOC, the single point of contact between the client and all the other players involved in the projects. As you can read in one of our articles (link below):

The GENERAL CONTRACTOR takes care of construction works, such as demolitions, structures, facade renovation and so on. In some cases, GCs can be asked to handle the delivery of the Interiors that they subcontract to skilled companies. This is what happens to Devoto Design when GCs subcontract our company for the delivery of the “furniture package” that is part of the whole property construction or renovation project they manage. 

INTERIOR CONTRACTORS, are on the other hand, autonomous entities (employed by the client) that manage the delivery of all the Interiors from A to Z.

IN OUR CASE, it means dealing not only with our core business activity (custom joinery works) but also managing the purchase annd installation of the furnishing accessories, appliances and decorative elements that can grant the client a full and complete supply.  We handle the whole process by dealing with the Art Direction, the Site Management and the General Contractor on behalf of the client, including paperwork, logistics, work programs, site works management, and the engineering and production of the custom furniture, of course! 

Devoto Design Interior Contractor: 3 examples

We have selected three projects that we deem illustrative of our Interior Contractor approach:

OUR KEY WORD? Always the same: management. Time management, logistics and procurement (purchase), management of the bespoke interiors production, site management and installation management.. 

Palazzo Rhinoceros Fendi

The renowed Palazzo Rhinoceros in Rome with its iconic steel blocks inserted into the “architecture” of the ancient building  consists of 25 apartments and artist’s studies. Devoto Design was appointed Interior Contractor for the realization of them all, as well as the exhibition areas:

  • wall and floor finishes of the whole building
  • supply of matresses and bathroom accessories 
  • supply of the lighting fixtures 
  • production and installation of the custom furnishings in stainless steel, wood and solid surface


Radisson Roma Antica

For this exclusive hotel Devoto Design produced custom counters and furniture for the public areas and for the 82 rooms the hotel is made of; at the same time we handled some Interior Contractor works too. Such as? All the design furniture by exclusive brands that complete the rooms and public areas:

  • armchairs and bathroom accessories 
  • lighting fixtures and draperies
  • bedside tables, wardrobes and headboards
  • wallpaper and carpets
  • bar counters, tables and appliances


WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A SUCCESSFUL INTERIOR CONTRACTOR? Well, methodology and specific internal procedures, no doubt, but also a team of professionals and well-defined roles..


Rome Luxury Short Rental Apartments

For this renovation project of 16 short rental apartments located in 5 different neighbourhoods of Rome, Devoto Design deliverd all the custom furnishings but also offered a complete Interior Contractor assistance:

  • supply of the custom and brand standard furnishings that compose the apartments
  • bathroom accessories, lighting fuixtures, artworks 
  • supply of the kitchenware

SO, TO ANSWER THE BIG QUESTION “What is Devoto Design today?” I would say that Devoto Design is the evolution of years of experience of a joinery workshop that has turned into a company that can furnish the space entirely, thanks to the services that have become more complete and complex; a company that never forgets the main goal: handling a project by finding solutions, pampering the clients and making them feel welcomed and looked after during every step of the project.

Well yes, we are a joinery worshop (come and visit it!), we are an Interior Contractor, we are “the ones that can make the difficult things”  but we are also the ones that like to make them simple.. we are Devoto Design!


All quotes by Marianna Devoto. CCO and CMO at Devoto Design. 

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